About Zanna Archer
People like to quote F. Scott Fitzgerald on there being no second acts in American lives. Born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1944, I am entering my fifth act. I began to write at age 10 when I received a portable Smith Corona typewriter for Christmas. (My mother thought I'd make a good secretary. Little did she know!)
I was a staff writer with the Maryland Public Broadcasting in its infancy (1969–1972) but left to go "back to the land," aka my hippie days, when I freelanced—sinning, suffering, and enjoying in many confession stories!—and did contractual work with the MPB to keep us financially afloat.
I started writing romances in the late 1980s but put them aside to earn a Ph.D. in English and pursue an academic teaching career (academic writing, not as much fun). Upon retiring in 2014, I returned to romance with a renewed sense of purpose and a stronger awareness of the craft. I'm also a sucker for happy endings.